Spinach Omelette

July 15, 2006

If you need a variety in your omelete try this style. This a health recipe,tastes very crunchy, juicy and makes a good sandwich .

Source: You Tube

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June 17, 2006

This is a breakfast dish in the southern part of India.



1 cup Cream of wheat or Semolina
1 Onion cut lengthwise
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Mustard seeds
1/8 tsp Urad dal
1 cup Cashew-nut
¼ Lemon
1/2 cup Peas
1 clove Garlic
1/10" piece Ginger
1 Green chili cut into small pieces


  • Fry cream of wheat on a dry pan for 5 minutes and set aside.
  • Put two tablespoons of oil in a pan and heat.
  • Add mustard seeds, Urad dal, cashewnut, and garlic clove.
  • Wait till mustard seeds stop splitting.
  • Add the onion, chili, and ginger and fry till the onion turns brown.
  • Add cream of wheat and fry for 3-5 minutes.
  • Add salt and peas.
  • Add two cups of boiling water and stir for 2 minutes. (Switch off the stove as soon as the water is poured.)

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Dahi Vada

June 17, 2006


Urad dal – 1 cup
Moong dal – 2 tablespoon
Curd/Yogurt – 3 cups
Jeera – 2 tablespoon
Date and tamarind chutney.
Dry red chillies- 2 – 3
Coriander leaves- a small bunch
Sugar – 1/4 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Oil for frying.


Soak both the dals overnight or 6-8 hours, grind it to smooth paste.

Now take the curd and beat it nicely with a spoon along with salt and 1/4 teaspoon of sugar.

Fry jeera and the red chillies without oil and grind it to powder, add this to the beaten curd with very little water.

Now fry the vadas in oil, and as soon as you take it out put the vadas in warm water for 5-10 second, after that take the vadas out and squeeze any excess water with hand and put it in the curd.

Finally, you can garnish your dahi vada with coriander leaves. If you like you can add mustard, jeera, curry leaves and asafoetida seasoning to this.

To make this dahi vada more appealing you can garnish little tomato ketchup and date and tamarind chutney.

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